There are always people asking how to choose between hand embroidery and machine embroidery. Actually, they are different in some aspects. At first, the meaning is different. Secondly, the length of time spent is different. Thirdly, the accuracy is different.

The meaning is different.

When mentioned the difference between hand embroidery and machine embroidery, we will think first that the biggest difference is that hand-embroidered patches done by hand and machine embroidery made by machine. In terms of meaning, hand embroidery is more valuable than machine embroidery. Hand embroidery has its own characteristics. At first, it belongs to traditional craftsmanship and has its own meaning. Secondly, hand embroidery is unique. If it is given as a gift, it makes more sense. Thirdly, hand embroidery has a preservation effect and more collectible.

custom made patches
custom made patches

The length of time spent is different.

When we start to make hand embroidery patches, we need to design and some preparations, such as separating the threads and threading the needle. You need to start your stitching one by one. This is a very time-consuming process. However, machine embroidery is totally different. You just need to complete the creating and editing of the design file. And after this step, it’s the machine’s turn, the machine will make a patch. Machine embroidery will create more time for you, which means you will have more time to produce, and the more custom-made patches you can produce, the more embroidery you can sell. Machine embroidery patches are quick and efficient and can create a lot of value for you.

custom patches
custom patches

The accuracy is different.

In terms of accuracy, machine embroidery is better than hand embroidery. Machine embroidery only needs to be designed and entered into the computer program, there is no need to consider the issue of precision, the machine will do it perfect. However, hand embroidery has a lot of uncertainty. A mistake in needlework can lead to the failure of the entire custom patches. Therefore, machine embroidery is more accurate than hand embroidery, machine embroidery is more reliable.



How to choose? Hand embroidery or machine embroidery? You just need to know your purpose. If you desire to make a lot of money and do services for many customers. Then you should choose the machine embroidery. High productivity will help you quickly complete orders and reduce charges to attract more customers. Otherwise, if you want to use embroidered patches as a craft, as an art rather than a business, then hand embroidery can be your choice.


If you want to choose a reliable partner custom made patches; if you want to make a patch well and win the market. Welcome to visit our website You can also email or call 1-888-864-4755 toll-free, there will be more custom embroidered patches waiting for you.



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