- Description
Embroidered Colorful Owl Patches look extremely beautiful. The whole custom patch is an owl shape, and a colorful owl was embroidered on the black owl backing with many colors threads. And there is a layer of hot-melt adhesive behind the owl patches, and people can first melt the backing with heating iron and second paste the iron-on patches on your item. Custom iron-on patches are the most popular patches because they are easy to use.
Custom patches used on different occasions have to match different backings. For example, if you want to use the patch on a hard surface, custom iron-on patches will be the best choice.
Except for iron-on backing, we also offer sew-on backing, velcro backing, plastic backing, etc. You should choose a suitable backing for your patch when you customize embroidered patches. Anyways, embroidered colorful owl patches are available for any surface.
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