From GS-JJ we have to say thank you! Our Custom Products will continue this 2018…

To all our valuable customers, we appreciate your loyalty and trust. We had work hard to always give you the best quality products and customer service.

The amazing year 2017 it is over, and because of it GS-JJ Team wish you all a Very Merry New Year 2018.

So many things have happened, from unexpected great news to sometimes rather upsetting ones, but everything was always solved to better!

This time, we decided to focus on the positive things.

We are ready for a new start, and definitely open to all your ideas and make them a reality, So do not hesitate in asking us for new products…

We are proud to be a company open to suggestions and new business.

For GS-JJ create custom products are special but create special products for our customer will be wonderful as will be this New Year 2018.

Here some memorable projects that we developed during 2017.

Bitcoin_Custom Coin
Bitcoin_Custom Coin














CanadaCup_Custom Medal
CanadaCup_Custom Medal
Tequila_Custom Patch
Tequila_Custom Patch
















2017_Custom Lanyard
2017_Custom Lanyard

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