Volleyball Becomes a Popular Sport. Why?

1) Volleyball can develop your teamwork.

2) Volleyball keeps your body slim!

3) It’s a commonly favorable sport regardless of height, gender, or age.

4) Volleyball can teach you how to be stronger in mistakes.

5) Volleyball can exercise the ability to respond.

There is three common volleyball type.

  • Beach Volleyball

Beach volleyball is flexible for place and dressing. But due to outdoor, it is easy to consume the strength of players. So there is more water prepared in the beach volleyball competition. The paramedics are on standby in case of sunstroke.

Beach Volleyball

(Resources: https://www.npr.org/sections/thetorch/2016/08/16/490255313/rio-highlights-jamaicans-rule-the-sprints-kenyans-dominate-the-distances)

  • Water Volleyball

Water volleyball springs up nowadays, especially in the summer. But it is noticed that water has high resistance. So you must take more energy to play volleyball. Of course, it is more safe compared with other volleyball events.

water volleyball

(Resources: https://www.swimmersdaily.com/2018/07/17/bcn2018-wp-europeans-summary-day-4-womens-prelims-round-3/33rd-len-european-water-polo-championships-barcelona-2018-83/)

  • Land Volleyball

This is a common volleyball, which is an ancestor of other types of volleyball. If you play volleyball, it is easy to make lots of friends. During the process, you will learn how to tolerate others and make yourself better.

land volleyball

(Resources: http://www.jvaonline.org/blog/9-ways-elevate-boys-volleyball-your-club)

With volleyball popular, more volleyball medals are customized. The following custom volleyball medals are made by GS-JJ, a big custom medal maker. The buyer orders continuously at GS-JJ in the three years. These medals are used in the types of volleyball events for different levels. The first custom medal is used on the beach, the second volleyball medal is used in the province and the third custom volleyball medals are used for premier. In general, these shapes are round, standing for volleyball. Then, adding different designs to show the difference. GS-JJ has rich experience in making custom sports medals, if you are interested, you can click here:

https://www.gs-jj.com/medals/Custom-Medals/sports-medals. Welcome to the order!

Volleyball Medals Products

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