What are Catholic Medals?
Catholic medals are a wonderful way to commemorate your faith and to carry a symbol of God's love for you. There are so many Catholic medals to choose from that it can be a challenge to settle on the one or two medals that you wish to wear. Some people choose to have a few custom made medals hung on a single chain or their keyrings and for others, their rosary is the perfect home for a particularly treasured Catholic medal.
Another less known use of Catholic religious medals is that they are sometimes placed into the foundations of new buildings. The idea is that the symbolic protection of the medal is imbued into the new building as well.
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What are the Types of Catholic Medals?
There are a lot of different types of Catholic medals. Each variety has its own meaning and story, and each type can also be found in many different medal designs. Here are the stories of some of the most varieties. Wearing multiple saint medals has become a trend and a status symbol.
Miraculous Medal
The design for this medal dates back to 1830. The holy mother revealed the design for the medal to St Catherine Lambourne so that all who wear this medal will receive the graces of the Our Lady.
These custom made medals are traditionally oval-shaped with the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary surrounded by the words “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee”.

4 Way Catholic Medals
This type of medal is becoming more popular. It is a great option for people who can’t decide on one medal and want to wear a cross but don’t want to have multiple medals on a single chain.
This medal comes in the shape of the cross with a medal design on each of the four ends of the cross. You can choose which designs you would like to make this a very versatile option with many different incarnations.

Saint Benedict Medal
Saint Benedict was a devout man. Following the death of an abbot, some people asked Saint Benedict to become their new leader. But someone was unhappy so he tried to poison Saint Benedict with food.
When he made the sign of the cross over the food before he ate, it was revealed to him that it was poisoned. So such catholic medals for protection are considered to offer protection of the body mind and soul.

Saint Christopher Medal
Possibly one of the most well-known Catholic medals is Saint Christopher. Saint Christopher is best known for carrying a boy safely across a turbulent river, despite his unusually heavyweight.
When asked the boy tells Saint Christopher that he is so heavy because he is Christ and he is weighed down by the weight of the sins he bears. These medals most often depict Saint Christopher carrying the boy on his back.

Sacred Heart Medal
One of the most sacred devotion is the one made to Jesus’ physical heart. This medal symbolizes the unending divine love of Jesus for all of humanity. The traditional design is a depiction of Jesus bearing his heart to the world.
This medal is sometimes double-sided. On the reverse of the custom Catholic medal, it can be found a depiction of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

What is the History of Catholic Medals?

The origin of the Catholic medals
● The practice of wearing religious medals has been a tradition of the church since its earliest days. Around the year 350, it has been traditional to gift a religious medal to a newly baptized member of the church to celebrate their rebirth into the family of Christ.
● Archaeologists have found custom medals bearing the likenesses of both Saint Peter and Saint Paul that have been dated as belonging to the second century. St Lawrence the Martyr has been found on medals from the fourth century.
The prevalence of the Catholic medals
● Popes of old have been recorded as having sent custom made medals as a gift for kings and queens. These were meant as reminders of their duty to rule as Christian monarchs. This led to many people seeking to have their own medals blessed.
● Catholic medals are considered sacramental. This means that they are sacred signs that bear resemblances to the sacraments. They serve as symbols of the catholic charms for protection and love invested in the images they portray.
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