- Description
Keep it Clean PVC Keychain is a kind of car Advanced Vehicle Care. It is a car cleaning store. Keep it Clean PVC Keychain with the company’s slogan “Keep it clean” on the front side, the company’s website at the backside, they send the keychain to their customers as a promotional gift. Keep it Clean PVC Keychain has three layers, but it still soft and durable.
Due to the bright color, durable, waterproof, easy to clean and low cost of PVC products, PVC patches have gradually attracted the attention of various companies. The use of PVC as a promotional advertisement is more acceptable to customers. GS-JJ is a PVC patches company with its own factory. Buy our PVC patches no minimum now, and you will get more discounts.
Size: 2.5"
Style: PVC Keychain
Attachment: Split ring
Package: Individual Polybag
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